Agilent 34970A/Agilent 34970A回收
Agilent 34970A回收数据采集器:陈卫平13549336060[微信同号]QQ:742002535
Agilent 34970A回收数据采集器:陈卫平13549336060[微信同号]QQ:742002535
34901A 20路衔铁式多路复用器
34902A 16路舌簧式多路复用器
34903A 20路致动器/通用开关
34904A 4*8 2线矩阵开关
34905A 双4通道射频多路复用器,50Ω包括(10)S MS-BNC(f) 50Ω适配器电缆
34906A 双4通道射频多路复用器,75Ω包括(10)S MS-BNC(f)75Ω适配器电缆
34907A 多功能模块
34908A 40路单端接多路复用器
Agilent 34970A是一种高性能、低价位的数据采集和开关主机,十分适于数据记录、数据采集和一般的开关与控制应用。它是一种半机架宽的主机,内部有61/2位(22比特)的数字电压表,其背面有3个插槽,可以接受开关与控制的模块某块组合。无论你只需要少数几个简单的数据记录通道,还是上百个ATE性能的通道,Agilent34970A都能以合理的价格满足你的数据采集要求。
Agilent 34970A包括了台式数字多用表(DMM)的功能特性,你将从已经证明了的Agilent性能、信号调节的通用输入、全部的低价位、紧凑的数据采集结构等方面获益。34970A具有61/2位的分辨率(22比特)、0.004%的基本直流电压精度和极低的读数噪声,加上高达250通道/s扫描速率,你可以得到为完成工作任务所需要的速度和精度.强有力的适应能力Agilent 34970A的独特设计允许逐通道进行配置,以求达到最大的灵活性及快速方便设置内部的自动量程转换。DMM有11种不同的直接测量功能,而不需要昂贵的外部信号调整。内部的温度转换程序可以C、F或(Kelvin)显示未处理过的热偶、RTD或热敏电阻的输入。利用定度可将线性传感器的输出直接转换到工程单位。你甚至可以设置高/低超出容限的情况。
3 module slots and 8 switches and control modules can be configured to meet your unique needs of 34970A Agilent. You can only buy what you need at the time, after the development of your application, and then add more modules. With 1.5 rack unit can measure up to 120 road input. Free Agilent software to simplify data acquisition if the requirements of the PC based data recording capabilities, but do not want to spend time programming, Agilent can solve this problem. Using this software, you can set up your test, collect and file management data, and display and analyze the data in real time. Familiar with electronic watch environment can be easily configured with control test, color graphics rich to display your data with lots of options?? are all easy to click, can use a graph, histogram, X-Y plot and warning lights up a variety of graphics. In addition, the use of Logger Data can be easily sent to other applications in order to further analyze the data, or to include it in your display and report.
Agilent 34970A/Agilent 34970A回收